In 2017, we conducted research into the ups and downs of children that we have relocated to their families. The results were sometimes good but unfortunately not always. Especially the girls were having multiple problems. The girls think they need the safety of a relationship to survive. From that relationships children are born soon at the age of 14-18 years old. Because the living conditions are often very bad and their partners don’t have a good job, we see a sort of visual circle arise. Their children are eligible to be taken care of by Bahay Aurora because the parents can not do it. Very sad. The fight against poverty and misery is not easy.
For children who have lived in Bahay Aurora for a long time and are getting too old to be taken care of (18+), we have set up a halfway housing project. They get their own home and receive homework assistance. The study costs are sponsored by Bahay Aurora. In this way we make the switch from highly protected living to unprotected living for a few years, depending on the education that these young people will follow. If a youngster has completed his / her education, we will ensure that they get a job and housing in a normal residential area. After that, it is up to them to enjoy a successful life.