It has been more than a month that Jessy was here at Bahay Aurora for here OJT, she has been assisting the staffs for the daily routine of the children. One of her active to do at Bahay Aurora is to give training to the staff. Two weeks ago she started the trying to the staff, which everybody enjoyed doing. At first it seem so hard to do training since the staff work by shift, Jessy started the training depends on the availability of the staff, then she set a day of meeting for everyone to be together for
the presentation of the training. Each one presented their paintings showing the animals that best describe themselves, telling their strength and weaknesses and what to do to improve
or change their was very informative to everyone knowing each other that will help for everybody to work in harmony as a team to do the job better for the children.
Everybody are waiting for the next schedule of the next training. We thank Jessy for this kind of training.