Interview Lovely

Josephine Cruz 17 years old, she was admitted 6 years ago, she was from Tanay Rizal. Based from her Story before she was admitted in Bahay Aurora she lives in a community same as Tondo. People living in this area seen to drink alcohol everyday most often to engage trouble like stabbing or using improvised gun to terminate their enemy. Some of them use drugs and make it a living for their survival. She was hearing bad words and cursing someone from their neighbors as their routine, she felt afraid at times she seen this kind of scenario. Having not enough food in the table, sometimes eating twice a day.
She lives in Bahay Aurora for 6 years. She said that she was grateful to be in Bahay Aurora. There are many things to thank and praise according to her. The daily routines of doing the household chores, at first, she really hates washing dishes, but later on she accepts it because she is in the BA. She must follow the rules in BA similar when she was home. The Rules in BA will guide me for my future to be independent. Sometimes she disobeys it but with the Lecture and Guidance with the Houseparent she had no choice but to obey the rules. The food in BA is good unlike when she is in their house. She was eating 3x a day plus Baon . Providing the need like school supplies and clothes, she tells that she was fortunate enough to be in BA.
In school some children look at them as poor with no parents to take care. Some teachers give them food or help them when they have activity in school. She was being bullied by some kids in school and according to her she was help and protected by the kids in Bahay Aurora, they help and look after each other. School is important for her because she wants to be successful in her future.
She remembers when the time that she was having conflicts with the houseparent, She and one of the girls in unit 1 climb the roof, but later they admit that they were wrong, she said that sometimes she was misunderstood. She also told about some Houseparent misunderstood her not letting them to know her more. According to her she was been bullied by the older kids but she learns to retaliate and to get along with them. The bond with the older girls from unit 1 was the happiest part laughter and treating each other like real siblings. That was meaningful to her, she really had a nice time with them.
The sad part of it is when somebody is leaving or transferring to another institution. She said life must go on, she was telling that someday she would help other kids like her in the future. Education will give her success in life. Most of all she would like to thank the Staff for understanding her, Guiding and taking care of her. For the administration, the Board and the Donator’s who help them and making them feel that they are fortunate enough that Bahay Aurora is willing to support and give them direction in life and the determination needed for their success.